ARGENTINA: A National Biopic
About "The Tango Nation" We've Heard
(By SimoTheFinlandized - 2021 CE)
Argentina (officially the Argentine
Republic) is a country in South America.
Argentina is the second-largest country in
South America and the eighth-largest
country in the world. Spanish is the most
spoken language, and the official
language, but many other languages are
spoken. There are minorities speaking
Italian, German, English, Quechua and
even Welsh in Patagonia. In eastern
Argentina is Buenos Aires, the capital of
Argentina, it is also one of the largest cities
in the world. In order by number of people,
the largest cities in Argentina are Buenos
Aires, Córdoba, Rosario, Mendoza, La
Plata, Tucumán, Mar del Plata, Salta,
Santa Fe, and Bahía Blanca. Argentina is
between the Andes mountain range in the
west and the southern Atlantic Ocean in
the east and south. It is bordered by
Paraguay and Bolivia in the north, Brazil
and Uruguay in the northeast, and Chile in
the west and south. It also claims the
Falkland Islands (Spanish: Islas Malvinas)
and South Georgia and the South
Sandwich Islands. Most citizens of the
Argentine Republic are descendants of
immigrants from Europe. They are united
by citizenship and not necessarily by
ethnicity. Most Argentinians embrace both
their ethnic origins and Argentinian
The name Argentina comes from the
Latin argentum (silver) as the Spanish
conquistadors believed the area had silver.
Typical dishes all around
Argentina are pasta, red
wines (Italian influence) and beef. Other
languages spoken are Italian, English and
German. Lunfardo is Argentinean slang
and is a mix of Spanish and Italian.
Argentinians are said to speak Spanish
with an Italian accent. The majority of
the Argentineans are descendants of
Europeans mainly from Spain, Italy,
Germany, Ireland, France, other
Europeans countries and Mestizos
representing more than 90% of the total
population of the country. More than
300,000 Roma gypsies live in Argentina.
Since the 1990s, Romanian, Brazilian
and Colombian gypsies arrived in
Football or soccer is the most popular
sport, although the national sport of the
country is Pato. Argentina has a number of
highly ranked Polo players. Field hockey
(for women) rugby and golf are also
Argentina is a Christian country.
Most of Argentina's people (80 percent)
are Roman Catholic. Argentina also has
the largest population of Jewish
community after Israel and US. Middle
Eastern immigrants who were Muslims
converted to Catholicism, but there are
still Muslims as well.
Medicine is socialized and
so is education, making Argentina's
literacy rate about 98%. State
University is free as well.
By far the oldest
signs of people in Argentina are in the
Patagonia (Piedra Museo, Santa Cruz),
and are more than 13,000 years old. In
1480 the Inca Empire conquered
northwestern Argentina, making it part of
the empire. Argentina declared
independent from Spain in 1816, and
achieved it in a War led by José de San
Martín in 1818. Many immigrants from
Europe came to the country. By the 1920s
it was the 7th wealthiest country in the
world, but it began a decline after this. In
the 1940s, following the "infamous
decade" where the country's politics were
not stable, Juan Peron came to power.
Peron was one of the most important
people in the country's history and many
politicians today call themselves Peronist.
Peron was forced out of power in 1955.
After spending years in exile he returned
to power in the 1970s. In 1976, the
country was falling into chaos, and the
military took power. This was not the first
time the military had done this. Leading
the new government was Jorge Rafael
Videla. Videla was one of history's most
brutal dictators. Thousands of people
disappeared or were killed during his time
as president. Videla retired in 1980. One
of his successors was another general
turned dictator, Leopoldo Galtieri. By the
time Galtieri was in office in 1981 the
dictatorship became unpopular. To stir up
support, Galtieri ordered an invasion of the
Falkland Islands, starting the Falklands
War. Argentina lost the war, and soon the
country fell into chaos again. Galtieri was
removed from power and eventually
democracy was restored. Galtieri and
Videla would be charged with "crimes
against humanity" because of the mass
murder and other crimes that they ordered
as president. In the early 21st century
Argentina is one of the most important
countries in Latin America, though it still
has many problems. It has a large
economy and is influential in the "southern
cone" of South America and a member of
the G20 developing nations.
Argentina is a federal republic. The
people of Argentina vote for a President
to rule them and Senators and Deputies to
speak for them and make laws for them.
The President is Alberto Fernández since
December 2019.
Argentina is almost 3,700 km long from
north to south, and 1,400 km from east to
west (maximum values). It can be divided
into three parts: the Pampas in the central
part of the country, Patagonia in the
southern part down to Tierra del Fuego;
and the Andes mountain range along the
western border with Chile, with the highest
point in the province of Mendoza. Cerro
Aconcagua, at 6,960 metres (22,834 ft), is
the Americas' highest mountain. The most
important rivers include the River Plate,
Paraguay, Bermejo, Colorado, Uruguay
and the largest river, the Paraná. River
Plate was incorrectly translated though,
and should have been translated to
English as River of (the) Silver. River Plate
is also a famous Buenos Aires soccer