Contrary to Partisans from every part of the political spectrum, each governmental system can work but its success & longevity are highly dependent on who or what runs it. Thus, all represented systems in this chart have merits, regardless of the system in use.
Now we all know, especially in the west, that the governments that allow for the most civil liberties are the most successful of countries; case and point: the US and UK, yet, there were actual exceptions such as King Solomon of Israel in the Old Testament, the Kangxi Emperor of China, & Kaiser Wilhelm 1 of Germany (formerly Frederick Wilhelm IV). But due to the imperfect nature of human beings the good does not often last very long.
The former extreme can end because of governmental corruption or it's inability to solve serious problems because of partisanship. That will enviably lead to the demand for a more authoritarian government as it would promise an end to endless bickering & eviction of the corrupt, which in turn, establish full cooperation from all branches of government as all answers to one or a few.
As for the latter however, such a government would eventually be corrupt, it is after all run by fallible human beings. And between the former & the latter, the latter will be far more difficult to remove as it has no one to answer but to itself. So then, the more abusive the government or ruler becomes the more desirous the public will be for change.