I don’t speak for RUP. That said — Without having seen the full conversation, it looks to me like this is a snippet of OP in a heated discussion with a RUP person (likely IG), because he always gets in such heated conversations when he comes around here.
In that context, he posted the cartoon of two gay guys kissing along with the statement “problem?” in an effort to provoke whomever he was talking with. Modbait! Or in plain terms, harassment.
The second time OP posted the same image could be considered spam and is certainly re-posting content that was already modded, which is a no-no.
Seems to me that this can be offered as evidence of personal bias against OP (when he’s done his best to bring that bias upon himself), but it’s *not* strong evidence of homophobia because they’ve previously allowed very similar content and pro-LGBTQ messages.