If you think that 50% of Americans are brainwashed, in a cult, a basket full of deplorable —or the most ridiculous of all: a Domestic Terrorists Organization, than you are the one who's drunk the Kool-Aid™ and tearing this country apart. At first I laughed... and then, I felt sorry for you. If we allow, through our big-hearted political correctness, our borders to be overrun by millions with whom we must provide daily bread, housing, healthcare while trying to assimilate them into our culture, we will lose our own wealth —the same wealth parents must conserve keep allow their family to flourish & survive. With your simplistic thinking, the greatest nation on Earth will be comparable to the Holy Roman Empire in 476 AD. If our woke soldiers are trained in pronouns, white fragility and white rage, while the Chinese are developing testosterone-driven, manly soldiers, we will no longer be the strong nation, taking care of others, but the one who has to obey. If we will close down our pipeline yet buy oil from those who hate us, we make others rich while our people look to the federal government for their livelihood. If you don't agree with every one of those precepts, there is little hope you will change. I cannot laugh at you —only pity you. And if so, my fellow human, fellow memer, please, block me! I beg you. I have to work for living.
Sincerely, Vince Vance