As interesting as they are from a “roleplay” perspective, they’ve already called for purges of political opponents and have had to have memes unfeatured for violent threats.
They are less obnoxious than WhiteNat and M00nMan and almost pitiable. However, bottom-line, there is no such thing as a “peaceful” fascist. The entire political philosophy is fundamentally incompatible with any notion of peace. Not until all their opponents are dead, anyway.
They have their target set on N.E.R.D. (“Leftist degenerates,” etc.), but it’s worth noting they’ve also targeted RUP. Doesn’t matter that RUP are also in the auth-right column. If you’ve ever said a nice thing about or worked with or promoted a N.E.R.D. person, then you’re a “collaborator” with degenerates and you too must be purged.
It’s brutal, mindnumbingly simple.
So, as National Security Advisor I have set the risk of terrorist threats to “High” (one step below full-out stream chaos) and am keeping close tabs.
This AoS party is novel and interesting, certainly offers yet another teachable moment about fascism back from the M00nMan and WhiteNat days, but in the near future I think the government will have to censor and ban them — until such time as they learn how to not be fascists.