The drug is for treating parasites, not viruses. Viruses are not parasites. You should read that paper. I doubt you have.
If you had, you'd know part where the first trial was in Australia where they applied the horse paste directly to the virus. Where it did destroy the lipid shell. In vitro. Not in a body. In a test tube.
And that to achieve that effect in the human bloodstream, they estimated that it would take 10 times the safe approved parasite dosage levels. If you think about it, if it's breaking down cell walls (that lipid barrier) what's it gonna do to you at 10xs the safe dosage levels?
That's probably why Merck has declined to submit it for any clinical trials.
Then search in the study for this name: Elgazzar.
I'll save you some time. It's here: 117) Elgazzar A, Hany B, Youssef SA, Hany B, Hafez M, Moussa H: Efficacy and safety of ivermectin for treatment and prophylaxis of COVID-19 pandemic. Research Square preprint. doi;
A LOT of fuss has been made about that study. It claimed that ivermectin is really effective in treating covid-19 and it had a lot of positive results.
Then it was discovered that the study had been faked. Names were made up. Results were cherry-picked or even outright fabricated. Often they were doubled up. The math wasn't just wrong, it was faked. It's all a lie.
And any conclusion on the safety and effectiveness of ivermectin using that study is inherently false.
So, on one hand, we have a vaccine that has FDA approval with reams of documentation about its success. And there's 0 out of pocket expense for you to get it.
On the other hand, we have some horse paste meant to kill parasites, that the FDA has said explicitly "don't use this!!", the manufacturer won't submit it for official testing, what testing has been done on it makes it look dangerous AND successful results have been faked, AND you have to pay for it.