Oh? Did he now? What made it alright for an extended period of time then but not now?
A change of heart usually has some thumping beneath worth wondering about.
Hey, not pointing that specifically at him, but in general, understanding motivations is key in understanding motivations. Some might be strategic or for some other reason which might not necessarily be out of simple fondness for the sheer awesomeness of your character.
Entrapta doesn't ring any bells?
Anyways, ask the mods if they have any info about those streams and memes, as an 'associate' of mine reported some without even telling you. In fact, at some point said 'associate' had figured you might have blocked him, wasn't sure, so didn't bother informing you.
The name change wasn't in response to them wanting to ban you from the stream or running, even though everyone knew and it was done with a bit of a wink?
In other words, when you were being outright harrassed by certain memers, did Fin take the opportunity to join them? No? Gee, that's odd.
AKA if you can't 'hear' the chuckling in some people's ribbing, you're missing out on the fun. And the point.
Northern Ireland is just England's way of showing it still has an acre or two left of what was a world spanning empire a mere few decades ago. Plus a strange disdain for the Irish because they are sooooo radically different from the other occupied Celts in the UK.