Welcome to our Antarctic Joint Training Exercise. Since the AAA is at war with Lewis (again), we will simulate a worst-case scenario where Lewis infiltrates Anti_Anime_Memes and crusader_stream. This will help prepare you for war.
So, after the joint training exercise, while colonizing in AAA_Colony, the Crusaders get attacked out of no where. These aren’t natives, they seem like they are of mixed European/Japanese descent and have advanced tech like machine guns. It turns out that while going on a mjderous rampage through AAA and Crusader territory as some kind of twisted revenge for his father’s imprisonment in gukag, the Anime Legion Supreme Leader’s son founded a colony.
AAA reinforcements reach Fort Urban, the AAA and Crusaders declare war on the Colonial Anime Resistance, or CAR (no similarity with the Central African Republic intended). An offensive drives deep into their lands.
The CAR tries to invoke the power of Vietcong, but Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh believes the CAR are imperialist pigs who are enemies of Vietnam and of Holy Christmas, so he curses them with inability to attack from trees or make decent booby traps, and they constantly get napalm bombed.
The Battalion of Death use this as a ruse to commit a suicide bombing, but the bombs are defused. The CARremnangs arecaptured and executed. The CAR’s land is equally divided.
An armistice is signed. All AAA and Crusader citizens go back to their lands. This gives us time to rebuild. After some years. We are finally ready to attack
The Global Mods see this and intervene on our side. They delete all lewis streams. They delete lewis himself. After this we return to peace. But this war doesn't end here. Because now, the furries will attack.
For a while, the AAA and furries had good relations. We were neutral in each others’ conflicts. But them a radical faction arose. The yiff pornographers started banning marriage, promoting public fornication, and violently taking over the government. They hated that the AAA and Crusaders opposed hentai, so they invaded right after the Great War against Lewis.
Crusaders and furries already had tense relations. Since they have been to war many times. But this was the final straw. At 10:15, on the Night of December 25th. A very holy day for the Crusaders. They attacked. No one had expected an attack on Christmas Day. What happened next was the shelling of the Pope Islands (each island named after A pope). The crusaders were furious at this and they started mobilizing instantly. Meanwhile the Radicals had taken control of the furries stream.
After that, the furries made a landing at the MacArthur Islands in the AAA’s Penguin Bay colony, but they are crushed. The AAA instantly deploys hundreds of thousands of tanks, slaughtering huge furry armies.
During the wars. One joke to keep morale high (which it was, it was REALLY high) was, "Hey, remember those furry hunting liscenses? Well now we can use them!" The furries deployed over 5 Million troops in "Opewation Twundewstowm." The operation was huge but poorly executed. The planes that dropped the Soldiers were shot down at the MacArthur islands.
After the furries’ disasterous defeat at the MacArthur Islands, the Crusaders valiantly destroyed the furry defensive line while the AAA began ruthless carpet bombings against the furries’ major cities.
In Operation "Encirclcement Wipeout" the Crusaders and AAA made it look like they were retreating. The Furries made 8 Million troops charge at them. What they didn't know. Is that a large force was coming behind them. Numbering 15 million Troops.
The Furries tried everything to break through but they failed and got annihilated. The furries then built a huge defensive wall with gun turrets. The entire wall was covered in furry porn, it was horrible.
The wall was shelled to Oblivion. Even the ashes were shelled. Then 100,000 tanks, 600,000 AFV'S and 10,000 Planes started moving into the Furryland. Along with 60 Million soldiers.
With over 5,000,000 troops. We stormed the capital. Now. We were under siege....in the capital. The furries were desperate and introduced conscription. Over 800,000,000 million furry soldiers were to be conscripted in to the army...only 1,000,000 would survive
The AAA and Crusaders kill every single furry in the capital. After that they surrender.
The peace terms are harsh.
4 trillion dollars reparation.
Demilitarized border.
All yiff is banned.
Crusaders annex 25% of their land.
AAA annexes 25% of their land.
There is a desert between the current Crusader/AAA camps and the enemy capital, the CAR fills it with nuclear waste and acid. They have the ability to clean the area up at the push of a button.
Eventually, the drones retreat, they focus more on defense. There is a great wall, surronded by lava moats, radiation moats, spike pits, and acid moats, that represents the last line of defense before the capital.