"Listen guys, I hate to break it
to you, but what people call
“love” is merely just a chemical
reaction that compels animals
to breed. It hits really hard,
then it slowly fades, leaving you
stranded in a failing marriage. I
did it. Your parents are gonna
do it. Break the cycle!
Rise above. Focus on science."
"What, so everyone’s supposed
to sleep every single night
now? You realize that nighttime
makes up half of all time?"
"Listen to me. I know
that new situations can be
intimidating. You're looking
around and it’s all scary and
different, but you know that
meeting them head-on,
charging into them like a
bull — that’s how we grow
as people."
"Weddings are essentially
funerals with cake."
"I'm a scientist; because I
invent, transform, create, and
destroy for a living, and when I
don't like something about the
world, I change it."
"Explaining which words mean
which feelings has never
helped anyone do anything."
"Sometimes, science is more art
than science, and not a lot of
people ever get that."
"The universe is basically an
animal. It grazes on the
ordinary. It creates infinite
idiots just to eat them."
"When you know that nothing
matters, the universe is yours."
What about the alternate reality
where Hitler cured cancer? The
answer is, don't think about it!
“Have fun with empowerment.
It seems to make everyone that
gets it really happy.”
“Nobody exists on purpose.
Nobody belongs anywhere.
We’re all going to die. Come
watch TV.”
“You ever hear about Wall
Street? You know what those
guys do in their fancy
boardrooms? They
metaphorically take their
balls and they dip them in
cocaine and wipe them all
over each other.”
“So what if a corporate magnate
IS indeed in fact the Devil?
At least the Devil has a job. At
least he’s active in the
community. Keeps the machine
of capitalism well-oiled, you
“Traditionally, science fairs are
traditionally a father-son thing;
and scientifically that
traditions are an idiot thing.”