I purchased these “Gummy Bears” thinking “Sounds like a nice purchase, 5 Lbs. of delicious candy for a decent price.. Can’t go wrong.” Unfortunately I had to learn the hard way.. IT CAN GO VERY WRONG!! First of all, I made the mistake of not reading the reviews before my purchase, and that was a mistake I will live with for the rest of my life due to the trauma I received after eating two handfuls of these. I was excited to try these first time and I will say this, they were surprisingly tasteful for being “Sugar Free” and I regretfully decided to try less than two handfuls within 5 minutes before I had to make a run to Walmart to purchase a few things that didn’t include a stockpile of toilet paper. Within 15 minutes of consuming these high powered laxatives, my stomach was making noises that I should have seen as a message from God warning me, “You should turn back around and go home.” I excused the funny feeling in my stomach, as I was on a mission to replace a Keurig machine that broke from Walmart. Yes I said it, “WALMART.” As I parked my car, I felt my stomach growing more agitated by the minute making gurgling noises that struck me as unusual but I proceeded into the store as I really wanted a new coffee machine.. GOD HELP ME. I was literally in the middle of the store looking at small kitchen appliances before one loud gurgle after another and then I squeezed out a fart that began as a long squeak to a jet propulsion in a split-second that probably had some people in the store confuse the sound as a gunshot and probably had some of them ducking for cover. As my situation had just gone from a, on a 1-10 scale beginning with a 3, (I might need to use the bathroom at some point, I should make this trip quick.) to an instant 12 (I’m literally soiling myself in the middle of a Walmart with hand towels and shower towels as my only source of fabric to wipe my ass with) I said “F*** the Keurig” and I ditched my cart and went running all the way to the opposite end of the store to the bathroom while, what sounded and felt like, I had firecrackers exploding in my underwear, people were probably pointing at me while their kids are laughing and I finally made it to the bathroom to find one stall available.. The Hadicapped Stall. Upon entering the bathroom stall while simultaneously crying and pulling my pants down I jumped on the toilet seat not realizing it was literally covered in urine and as I began opening the flood gates, releasing the evil that moments