Ya i'll copy and paste what i told someone else lol- well my cousin told him i had a gf cause i told my cousin i kissed a girl so my dad came into my room and asked if i wanted to hang i said yes and he was like "And uhm- btw ik u have like a gf or something-" and i freaked out inside but i told him i didnt have one and he was happy i didnt lie to him but i told him that i liked guys and girls and he was cool with it- he said its america and we can do what we want- and its my prefrence then when i told him i kissed a girl he said that thing about cherry lipstick from the katy perry song---- xDDD also he was like "nOW wE hAve sOmeThinG iN cOmmOn- wE bOth liKe wOmaN-" I died- he was really noce about it and we got lunch and went on a drive :]]] i was shaking SO much omg lolll-