21/08/2021; X; SCP-25275; Keter; FOUR SPECIMENS OF SCP-25275 FIGHTING; Lock in a weapon proof room at almost all time; SCP-25275 is a clay form ball with has a flag of an existing country or a collapsed country.
The Anomolus propeties of these SCP is to have the power of the country and militiar which is represented.
they are in containment around 195 specimens of SCP-25275, some of this scpecimens were classified as safe due of there lack of wanting to kill the research staff, (Example the specimen known as SCP-25275-25, "Switzerland-ball), others are consider Ecluid due to a recent containment breach made by various specimens of SCP-25275 (More specific, the ones who represent Central African Countries, Central Asia Countries, and Central America Countries), and the most dangerous who are consider Keter (European Countries, Middle East Countries, East Asia Countries, North Africa Countries).
And 4 Specimens classified as Apollyon due of then being almost impossible to contain because all attents were extremely bloody and almost provoked an xk class end of the world scenario due to liberating all specimens and then declare a war against the foundation. these specimens are called (EE.UU-Ball, EU-Ball, China-Ball and Russia-Ball) there localizacion is knew due of the foundation spies, but they are not commandend to act to not provoke the specimen and make another manslaughter.