Here is the link to the Reuters news story.
Pelosi tried to impeach Trump over invented charges over a phone call that wasn't what the left said it was.
Now we find out that Pelosi tried to impeach Trump a second time over nothing at all.
Thanks to Pelosi we can now bring up impeachment charges against a president for any reason we want. It is now very easy to try to impeach any president going forward. And the left supports this.
Let's see how supportive the left gets when impeachment charges will be levied against Biden for his massive screw up in Afghanistan where he left 15,000 Americans behind to be tortured and/or murdered by terrorists. And also Biden handed billions of dollars of military equipment over to terrorists.
Trump had a plan to leave but what Biden did was NOT that plan. It does not matter that Reagan armed the Taliban to fight the Soviet Union. It does not matter that Trump negotiated any deal to reduce troop levels. Islamacists do not honor any deals made with "infidels" and Biden, himself, said he could have honored the deal, the deal he already broke, or he could continue fighting. The deal Trump negotiated had American troops withdrawn by May 1, 2021. Biden missed that deadline, meaning that Biden was acting outside of Trump's deal. Biden even said he was doing this on his own.
Regardless if Trump was still president he would not have left 15,000 Americans and given billions of dollars of military hardware to the Taliban. No president would have. Joe Biden is not our president. He wasn't elected by the people. He is a usurper who was installed by massive and widespread voter fraud funded by China and several other countries who want America to collapse.