Pepe Party leadership = SurlyKong69, a fiercely pro-Richard troll who votes against everything and is hugely out of touch with the stream but still wants to be its president
You, a biased mod who deleted four of my comments for no reason based on an intentional misinterpretation of a simple rule everyone else understood fine then tried childishly blaming it on me, and unconstitutionally removed my mod out of spite, resulting in a civil war in your few days as dictator until the adults showed up to clear up your mess.
RichardChill24, a notorious banned, impeached pro-IRA anti-English alting troll
Chthonic, a troll who posted dumb spammy campaign memes the second he suddenly decided to join I_P.
RUP leadership: Wubbzymon, who's done all of this:
PR1CE, who impressively drafted the entire Constitution himself.
Me, who made Congress active and productive again and passed loads of great motions.