I feel like Congress is the key to making this an intellectually interesting roleplay that isn’t always about drama and campaigning.
The two big problems with Congress currently, as I see it, are:
1. Overall inactivity.
—There is usually a burst of excitement at the beginning of the Administration when the new Congress comes in, but enthusiasm wanes as the Administration grinds on. Congress starts to collect cobwebs.
2. Owner issues.
—Historically, it seems like half the government’s proposals are either lobbied against or actually vetoed by the Stream Owner. Not exactly encouraging to Congressmembers.
1. Reform Congress by reducing its size.
—Congress currently has 15 members, I believe, but many of them don’t post here regularly. It seems that a bigger size doesn’t lead to more activity, but ironically encourages congressional apathy. With fewer members, perhaps more 6-10, each member will have more power and feel like they can make a difference.
—Do some vetting upfront. Prior to appointing a Congressmember, check their stream history, ask them to commit to being active.
2. Build in a schedule to encourage regular Congress activity.
—For instance, hold a standing vote every Friday. It doesn’t have to be a major proposal: something as simple as honoring XYZ meme or memer would be fine. Point being to get people into the habit of being in Congress.
3. Reform Stream Ownership.
—I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The Owner should stay out of the way of the government unless it starts violating TOS. If the Owner inserts his/her own biases and tries to steer the government, then the government can’t do what it wants and elections become pretty pointless.
There have been other Congress reform proposals in the past, like a “Senate” composed of representatives from different streams around Imgflip. Certainly an intriguing proposal. The questions I have are: Which streams would get to send Senators? How would Senators be selected? How can we be sure those Senators would be active? These questions require further study.