It's not his positions that are the point. It was his political allegiances that matter. The way Trump running as a Repugnican because, in his own words, of how stupid the Right's "base" in America, that they'd fall for anything he'd say.
We all know what happened with his pal Epstein, and how he bragged about going back stage at the pagents he ran so he could see naked, often underaged girls.
You and your party have no moral high ground.
And turning my "claim" around on me amounts to "I know you are, but what am I?" and is not a meritorious argument.
My original point stands: the party that claims to be vigilantly and falsely claiming the Democratic Party is the party of every perversion under the sun, the worst of the perverts, the worst of the sex criminals continue to be found among the ranks of the Repugnican Party.
There is no if and or but about it; the GOP is the party of perverts and sex criminals.