Private: Report 10 porn streams, 100 porn images. Also report other stuff against ToS such as harassment.
Private first class: Report 15 porn streams. 150 porn images. Report harassment, spamming, and others.
Lieutenant: Report 30 porn streams. 200 porn images. Report doxxing, spamming, harassment, others.
Corporal: Show yourself as capable leader during porn reports. 50 porn streams, 600 porn images, porn templates, porn gifs. Secret porn streams. Other anti-tos stuff.
Sergeant: 100 porn streams, 1000 porn images, others same as corporal
Major: Delete porn streams BY yourself. Sending spies is fine. Delete 200 porn streams, 2000 porn images, 200 porn templates. Same other requirements as Sergeant
Colonel: Must be Vet of this stream (Joined stream for 5 months, loyal member, posts alot) Capable of leading crusades without Owner approval, knows the owners well enough to know they would approve. Deletes anti-tos stuff. Includes porn, harassment, and others.
General: Rank will only be given by owners to colonels. In the mean time, keep deleting anti-tos stuff.
NOTE: Don't delete anti-tos stuff just to rank up. You will also be ranked up for being a loyal member or deleting porn not for the ranks.
I repeat:Don't delete anti-tos stuff just to rank up. You will also be ranked up for being a loyal member or deleting porn not for the ranks.