Know more about the situation. He has harassed and mod-abused against 2 users who were forced to leave the PPolice. Plus, he hates anime and harasses people for liking it.
Okay so barely 5 minutes ago, AntiAnimeAssociationChief flagged an image with the note saying, "Can you please unban me?". Now, that kinda made me sad because I'm a sympathical person and that kinda sounded genuine. But, since I care about my community, I'm letting you guys vote on whether to unban him or not. Comment "1" if he should be unbanned, and "2" if he should stay banned. Majority vote wins. AAAC is not allowed to vote for himself and people who have under 10.000 points aren't allowed to vote for anti-alting purposes. Deadline is August 9, so chop chop.