Yup. It may get real real ugly in the world. Equally, nature knows exactly how to take care of itself, our very own instincts are a personal tribute to that.
That being said, with massive overpopulation, rampant abuse of the oceans, land, forests etc possibly Mother Nature is simply taking care of herself with a massive depopulation program.
Can’t say I’d blame her. I mean human depopulation programs are ok. American depopulation programs have been going on for 245 years since the Native American genocide and we’ve excelled in war and genocide for sure. We’ve also big pharmacy and big food pumping toxic poisons into every ignorant brain dead American they can and plenty of shit we don’t know about but yeah I think the earth is about done with us. Mostly US as in the United States who reportedly use 90% of the worlds resources while only making up 4.25% of the world population.
The world is a real trip that’s for sure.