They legit trash Allies and Conservatives regularly.
Not to mention trying to Normalizw Hurting and even Gaslighting people who don't 100% support them. Not to mention we say Cisgender and Straight people aren't ever in pain and tend to act like they have everything whenever they also fall victim to rape, murder, racism, disease, sexism, etc.
And N U M E R O U S people talk about "Straight Men" Sexualizing Lesbians.
I have actually had to explain why "Straight men" dont do anything. "Bad people" do bad things. Bad Lesbians, Bad Pans, Bad Bi, Bad omnis, bad Straight men cis and trans.
No Straight Man is inherently evil I shouldn't have to explain that to someone!!!
This community targets ANYTHING THEY DONT AGREE WITH and f**king burns it!! On this stream We cant even just flag shit!! We feel some need to go scream at people about being wrong and decided to Flood a Christian Stream!!
I supported N O N E of these things. But a L O T of LGBTQ members did and it was Violent and Toxic.
Thankfully people have started calming down but there are times when I personally get hurt by things said here. I've had my Religion called an "All-Consuming monster"
This All-Consuming monster saved me from Self-Harm and Suicide and people just trash it like its evil and vile here.
This community may not always be Toxic and it is a beautiful place but it is still nowhere near the least toxic and Bad people(Or sometimes misguided people) definitely cause a lot of harm.