Ore Crystals: Ore Crystals can spawn in any biome, but the more common the biome, the less there are. The outside of an Ore Crystal may seem boring and dull to players, but on the inside they are filled of riches, such as: Iron, Gold, Obsidian, Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Redstone(yes, Redstone), Emerald & Copper. The Obsidian Layer protects the Copper, Diamond & Emerald layer, so keep a Diamond pick with you. Ore Crystals are also a one-way-ticket to the Nether & The End, since it has both a Nether Portal(which is lit) and an Ender Portal containing 2-all 12 eyes. The Colored glass on the outside changes depending on the Biome, they also spawn naturally, and there is no way to find them, even if you use an item. They don't spawn and the spawn point of where the players are, Instead they spawn over 9000 blocks away from spawn. Colored Glass, rarity and how many spawn in the depending Biome:
Plains: 1. Glass color: Green(dark). Rarity: 10
Mountains: 2. Class Color: Gray/Light Gray. Rarity: 8
Hills: 1. Glass Color: Also Green. Rarity: 9
Extreme Hills: 3. Glass Color: Gray or Green. Rarity: 8
Underground Caves(Caves & Cliffs): 2. Glass Color: Gray. Rarity: 5(more common because they're underground most of the time, sometimes above)
Ocean: 4. Glass Color: Blue/Light Blue. Rarity: 10
Jungle: 5. Glass Color: Lime. Rarity: 10
Dark Oak: 3. Glass color: Brown or Green. Rarity: 9
Roofed Forest: 2. Glass Color: any of the above(-Blue/Light Blue). Rarity: 8
Snowy Tundra: 3. Glass color: Doesn't have glass, it's ice. Rarity: 7
Taiga: 4. Glass Color: Green/Lime. Rarity: 8
Snowy Taiga: 3. Glass Color: Lime, Light Blue/Blue, or Ice. Rarity: 6
Mushroom plains: 10. Glass color: any(-White, Black, Gray/Light Gray). Rarity: 3. (Mushroom Plains is already a rare Biome as is)
Warm Ocean: 1. Glass Color: Blue/Light Blue. Rarity: 6
What they will look like will be in the following reply.