1. In the UK there isn’t really a gun control debate and everyone opposes them. But in the US since they have the Second Amendment I’d say I lean more towards the pro-gun side, but I think individual states should be allowed to decide their own regulations within reason (not too excessive or lenient).
2. As a practicing Christian I believe the Bible makes it quite clear that homosexuality is a sin, and that marriage is by definition a sacred union between one man and one woman. That being said, I am not a “homophobe” and I respect that they are people too even if I do disagree with their choice of lifestyle.
3. I used to be more of a paleolibertarian, but I have since drifted further from free market capitalism and more towards paleoconservative populist protectionist capitalism.
4. Absolutely.
5. It’s not perfect but I certainly prefer it to socialism.
6. The Bible says "thou shall not kill" which is why I find the death penalty morally questionable, but the Old Covenant also supports the death penalty. However, as a Christian I follow the New Covenant, which teaches love and forgiveness. But I also believe the New Testament affirms capital punishment. So my position is that I find the death penalty morally questionable, but if a government were to enforce humane capital punishment for serious offenders I won't necessarily be opposed to that law.
7. I support the National Health Service in the United Kingdom.
8. In IMGFLIP_PRESIDENTS the RUP. In the UK I supported UKIP, then the Brexit Party, then Reform UK, but right now I'm also considering backing the Heritage Party. In the USA I support the America First Republicans in the GOP and the Constitution Party.
9. I believe it can be a waste of time, money and resources to rehabilitate some criminals.
10. Absolutely not.
11. Absolutely not.
12. In IMGFLIP_PRESIDENTS I'm content with the current measures. irl I think there should be more.
13. I suppose.
14. Not really.
15. Not really.
16. I don't think so, but if there's any systemic racism towards minorities then there's systemic racism towards whites as well. Every race can claim to have been oppressed at some point.
17. No.
18. I am a Traditional Roman Catholic member of the Society of Saint Pius the Tenth (SSPX).
19. Strongly opposed.
20. I'm a paleoconservative national populist.