Correct there is nothing wrong with being gay or having gay sexual inclinations. The important distinction that people fail to grasp is the Church only opposes gay relationships/sexual activity on the grounds that they are not in line with God's intention for how we are supposed to live. EVEN THEN though we also contend, as affirmed by Pope Francis, that the civil rights and right to civil unions cannot be denied ANYONE because we are all equally dignified as human beings.
In short, you cannot live an LGBTQ+ lifestyle and a Catholic one at the same time, but the Catholic Church does not oppose LGBTQ+ lifestyles in the purely civil/legal sphere because, again, discrimination of that sort strips folks of their dignity ans free will. You can't force someone to live authentically in a certain way. You can't control someone's mind, only attempt to persuade. There are gay Catholics out there who practice celibacy and there is absolutely nothing intrinsically wrong with them. I myself am certainly not one to talk when it comes to being a great person...I've got plenty of my own issues. 😑
Finally, the Church opposes plenty of activities related to heterosexual relationships as well, so we're not singling any demographic out when we defend our views and God's teaching. Believe me, you catch flak from literally everyone as a Catholic, be it conservative protestants to liberal atheists and everyone in between.