I want to tell you about the true Christians that you will meet on the streets, at school, & at your workplace.
Christians are of every walk of life with varying personalities. S/he is a Saint before God as s/he has been sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:3) & washed clean by the blood of Christ (1 John 1:17).
However, not one of them (in their right, theological minds) believes that they deserved to be saved (Ephesians 2:2-3) but all of them were saved nevertheless by God's grace (Ephesians 2:8). The only real difference between Christians & the unbelieving is that they're forgiven & saved.
Unfortunately, Christians far and wide have been influenced by politics, but this is not unique only to them.
The reason for this is because we're all - Christians and non-Christians - are given only the content in agreement with our own worldview thanks to an algorism used by commercial and social media that collects data from every site we click into.
The hope was that we, the consumers, would draw us to buy more things, via, our interests.
As a result, commercial advertisements appear showing items we've explored and articles, stories, and videos show up on our social media feeds that are according to our worldview.
Commercially it had a positive effect that we buy more products, yet had also a negative effect that we see and read only the things we religiously and politically agree with us. We became insolated from other perspectives and then see others as belonging to the fringes of society.
This resulted in the polarization of America.
And so, many of us who are socially conservative Christians will appear to hold to a fringe worldview when in actuality, nearly half of America are also socially conservative. At least 40% of us, are, while the rest are economic conservatives.
The threat of the Gay Agenda for example may be silly and perhaps founded in Homophobia, but like every belief there is a kernel of truth in them. To us conservative Christians there is enough of that believe otherwise.
Nevertheless, most of us does not hate the LGBTQ+ community as we are told by Jesus to love our enemies. If we're told to love our enemies who persecute us then how much more do we with a people who just want to live the way they want to?
SOURCE: The Social Dilemma, Netflix documentary: