Like I said, 93% of the South did not own slaves. You would be punishing the wrong people. You should ONLY punish the party that fought FOR slavery and is pushing a different kind of slavery on us right now.
Those who believe in freedom of choice for everyone are not the ones who enslaved anyone even IF they came from the South.
Not to mention that no one alive today ever owned anyone else and no one alive today was ever owned by anyone. The time for reparations has long since passed. You cannot punish people who have not committed a crime. You cannot make restitution to people who have not been wronged. No one deserves any reparations for anything.
Reparations are just another wealth redistribution scheme designed to overload the system and lead to a collapse of the economy. Because Biden is so fully committed to the Great Reset, it is just a matter of time before he either gets congress to send him a reparations bill or worse he signs another unconstitutional executive order to create law.
However, that does not mean I am overlooking the current global problem of sex slavery. There are more sex slaves today than all of the Africans and their descendants who lived under slavery in the U.S.
Because our society is so race obsessed we don't pay any attention to sex slavery. If you were truly opposed to slavery then rather than focusing all of your attention on some random white guy who said the "N" word you would be calling congress and telling them to send every single law enforcement agency against those people who are kidnapping American boys, girls and women for the purpose of sex slavery. I should say "we" instead of "you" because I haven't done anything either . I just abhor the idea of it. I also don't think congress will do anything about it anyway because not enough people care about real slavery and too many of our elected officials are the customers of those who enslave these boys, girls and women.