Ah, well every good rule has an exception, right?
You’ve always managed to be respectful, informed, and agreeable here, even in the lion’s den where many disagree with you. That’s commendable. I’m inclined to hear whatever you have to say.
As you see, I’ve taken a very strong stance on anti-vaxxing since I really am convinced the risks of the vaccine (whatever they may be) are ridiculously minuscule compared to the risks of actually coming down with Covid. I did a few memes today about it. I really am convinced that thousands of deaths are occurring per month among the unvaccinated that are totally preventable. The final (let’s hope) tragedy of Covid. The heights of the pandemic were tragic enough, but at least then there was some argument you could make about freedom and the economy vs. health. There really were difficult trade-offs we had to make.
But these days, Covid vaccines are free and readily available, and the deaths we’re seeing now really just come down to stubbornness and disinformation. If a super variant (and they’re getting scarier all the time) mutates in an unvaccinated individual who had access but refused, that person will bear a heavy moral load.
But, if anyone I know can thread the needle of being anti-vaccine without being an “anti-vaxxer,” it’s you. Lol.
So, I’ll allow it.