Beating the algorithm is easy, and you're already halfway there - you make good memes....your timing sucks though.
I maybe post 2 memes a day....some days I get inspired and I might post a few more than that - but not all memes get points, posting to your own streams for example.
So, timing - this meme is about an hour early for prime-time. Too early and it ends up 2 or 3 pages down the "New" filtered list. Too late, and the prime-time audience has finished their after-work browsing and you're hoping to catch tomorrows crowd, in which case you'll be 4 or 5 pages down the "New" filtered list.
Shoot for submissions between 4-6PM central time.
Your target is above 10% like to view ratio. If you ht and hold 10% - your meme will probably make it to the front page of politics. The closer you get to 20%, the closer to the top of the politics stream you'll reach. The higher you get, the more views you'll get and the better your like ratio will be - and of course, the better your meme - the longer it'll stay at the top, exposing it to more eyeballs.
I'd like to say that I'm an expert - but I'm not. I'm just starting to figure it out.... The first half million points was a tough slog - getting to a million from there was relatively easy. It happened not too long ago, and without trying I picked up another 100k points on top of that.
Make good memes, people will follow you, defend your positions in comments and that will encourage debate. It's possible, and even relatively easy, to do well without being a hack.
I followed you, so that's a small step closer to success.