Speak english please...
Part of the Imgflip TOS is that you have to speak english-
and you are currently violating the TOS...
on my stream...
That I own...
please speak english!
fiiiine lol.
I don't think it's against ToS to speak different languages. I think it's just for the fun stream because majority of users are from the USA. Because if you go to msmg people speak a ton of languages.
no they don't-
I mostly see people speaking English-
and some times Japanese- but still-
it's like 99% english on MSMG.
and I support the English only rule on this stream
OKAY- YOU KNOW WHAT GUYS- FINE! FINE! YOU GUYS CAN SUBMIT OC'S- BUT IF YOU DO YOU HAVE TO USE THIS TEMPLATE!! NOTE- YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE BG COLOR TO YOUR OC'S FAVORITE COLOR; Luna; Female; 15; Half Neko Half Human; Cuddling; This Neko named Gypsie; She's a sweet Neko that is also slightly rebellious; Dawn- a Neko that goes to her School; *insert clever RP in too lazy to come up with here*; Luna is a Rebelious but kind Half Neko Half Human that is also my (sensei_Lucario) daughter!