I’m going to start a brewery.
my first beer will be named “Responsibly” that way when other beer companies air their commercials they will advertise my brew at the end of their commercials when they say drink Responsibly. My commercials will begin and end with everybody should drink “responsibly” We will brew a low cal version. some people are trying to lose weight or maintain their figure. for them we will brew "less Responsibly" some people would rather drink "less Responsibly" And for those who either can’t or won’t drink responsibly we will brew
“With reckless abandon” because some people always drink “with reckless Abandon” and there are always those times when even responsible drinkers want to drink
“With reckless abandon” And from our soda pop line the new root beer for kids with extra sugar and added caffeine “whole heartedly”
because kids always drink “whole heartedly”