Thanks, but brain cells have nothing to do with it (as you know they have more than 3, lol). People are just ignorant to things, as we all are. This may be one of those things they’re ignorant about. It doesn’t make them not smart, though. I really don’t have an opinion on TikTok, as I’ve never really used it. So, I would say I am ignorant to the state of TikTok. The people who go after TikTok on here I think are just going with the trend (like the anti-Nickelback memes), although there’s likely ones who really do hate it. But it comes down to choices. A lot of times in can be difficult to make the right choice, and sometimes we let our emotions overtake us. I would caution you to be careful that you do not render evil for evil, disrespecting others who’re disrespecting others. We must respect others, no matter if Tik Tok is a “shitfest” or not. This goes everyone and anyone, no matter what they’re feelings are on the matter of TikTok. To beat all temptations, we need to allow God to strengthen us by praying, reading God’s Word, receiving the Sacraments, and all the other things He has given us to follow Him. But, we’re all sinners, and so, we must be patient with each other and forgive one another, and try to break the cycle of sin mankind gets stuck in (with one person sinning, and that person sinning against that person because they sinned, and on, and on, and on…) This message is not necessarily just for you, but for anyone trying to do good, not evil (I hope you didn’t think I was singling you out, as I’m certainly not asserting your not “‘bout dis life”). Anyways, the best to y’all with “the good fight”! P.S. you have an interesting username by the way, what’s the inspiration behind it?