They should never be prayed to as only Jesus is our only mediator between holy God and us (1 Timothy 2:5) but possibly they carry our prayers to the throne of God (Revelation 8:3).
Not only that, they should not be worshipped (Revelation 22:8-9) but like every created thing were made for His glory.
They are not the principle guide, the Holy Spirit is (John 14:26), but the God of lovingkindness has sent them to us to guide us in the way.
Finally, they are not the security we should rely on but God (Proverbs 21:31) but His angels assists in that end.
Angels are messengers, soldiers, and servants of the Lord. They are more powerful than man (Hebrews 1:7) but in terms of worth, virtually equal to man (Revelation 22:9)
Angels, contrary to popular culture, are portrayed in scripture as men who does not have a pair of wings with only two exception: Cherubim and Seraphim (the suffix of the two words "... im" denotes plurality). Cherubim have four (Ezekiel 1:4-6) as Seraphim have six (Isaiah 6:2).
But what is true is that they do guard and guide us on the orders from above, hence, Psalms 91:11-12.