How is that even allowed? The man is from New Zealand and now any man who is a mediocre athlete when competing against other men can now just decide that they are really females....and beat the heck out of women in competitions! In the next Olympics, most athletes will be male in both male and female departments.
And if there is any deliciousness in all of this utter nonsense, then it is the way that all feminists have had to shut the FU@K up because they cannot go against the "woke" crowd....and are just grinding their teeth in despair. They were so shortsighted because this is what their policies have led women to cliaming that they are women dominating absolutely everything, even more than before! Well! It does prove, however, that another assumption of the feminists and liberals....the one that claims that there is no difference between males and FALSE! There are major differences between the 2 sexes....and everyone knows that....including those very same liberals and feminists!