Cite your source for him actually stating that. Paraphrasing text from some article doesn't count.
The only thing I've ever seen him say is that he needed to be careful about using the word "insurrection" as it's a legal term and 'didn't want to get ahead of both prosecutors and judges', which was rather bizarre at that time given that the DoJ and Judges had already deemed it to be such.
Then, again, on June 10th he testified before the HOC that the FBI considered June 6th to be an act of "domestic terrorism" but understood why lawmakers called it an "insurrection", clarifying that it would not be appropriate for him to use that word because of the effect it could have on pending criminal cases... "In my role as FBI director, because that's a term that has legal meaning, I really have to be careful about using words like that". That's a far cry from claiming he said Dems, etc, were "using the term" incorrectly or "That word does not mean what you THINK it means."
In the grand scheme of things though, it doesn't even matter whether Wray calls it an insurrection or not, as the term is clearly defined in both case law as "the act or an instance of revolting (especially) violently against civil or political authority or against an established government" and in U.S. Code Title 18, § 2383 as "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto..."
StanHalen0 ups, 8h