Skin: four; carykh (yellow and orange carykh)
Back: the cube (from carykh's profile picture)
Pet: x on the basket
Pickaxe: -needy- needle
Plane: paper airplane (8 different colors); puffball; cloudy; lightning; foldy
Emote: flower dance
Emojis: match like; grassy needs respect (animated)
Wallpaint: four doing the intro
Weapon skin: four's colors; X's colors
Icon banner: death p.a.c.t icon; team ice cube icon: the losers icon; bleh icon; iance icon; beep icon; a better name than that icon; free food icon
Loading wallpaper: the freesmart; w.o.a.h. bunch; team no name
Music: new friendly; ballers; famous 600k; infetterence: breakup simulator lite; coins; chorkey; evolekaf; sweeper; lade