The fact that the left controls the narrative that gets reported internationally is the only reason why any of what you said had any credence. Fortunately not everyone in the world believe that horse crap that the left shovels. They know the truth and Trump was NOT in love with Kim Jung Un. He is not in love with China, nor is he receiving a paycheck from China like Biden is. He did not collude with Russia or Putin. This is just leftist mythology.
Regardless Trump did NOT embarrass this nation. He only embarrass the left but then what conservative doesn't embarrass the left? That is because for some bizarre reason the left has convinced themselves that they are the intellectual ones in this nation. How can you even think your side even begin to think they are more intellectual when they don't even have the slightest clue about basic economics (and I mean the most basic of basic). Your side has no faith in the individual to produce anything while demanding the government do everything for you.
So you can trash Trump all you want. He is wasn't the best president or even a great president but he was a gazillion times better than this puppet you forced into office against the will of the America people. Biden never was playing with a full deck but now that he's senile I really just cannot understand why anyone with at least 5 brain cells could still support this imbecile. I'm smarter than Biden and no one would want me in the White House, even if I was a full on Marx loving lefty.