My mom did the exact same thing- she guilt trips me and threatens to send me to hospitals and boarding schools, I'm so sorry she did that, I know how it feels, and you don't deserve it. You're wonderful.
Yes, you're a teenager so I know you know everything thing and have all of the answers. But your parents are trying to help while you stigmatize your own condition and feel sorry for yourself. You're making things worse, not them.
I'll leave you alone right after you give your parents a big hug and thank them for taking your depression seriously when most parents would say its just a phase and act like everything is ok. You wouldn't be whining if you broke your arm and they took you to a hospital that fixes arms. Your brain is no different, if it needs help then get it fixed
i don't want to go anywhere, i dont need some stranger "helping" me. I understand my parents concern, I just don't need/want to talk to anyone outside my family
lol you're whining about having caring, supportive parents and I'm encouraging you to get help for your mental health issues. I'm not the one being negative, kid.