So here:
Zeraora is genderqueer (void of sex).
Incineroar is 72.5% male.
Luxray is bisexual.
I) Luxray and Incineroar
- There's a 50-50 chance between a straight and/or gay mating. Offspring is likely male, because median of (72.5%M) and (50%M) is (61.25%M).
II) Incineroar and Zeraora
The offspring will obviously be male, by Zeraora being without either gender or orientation, lest the lesser feminine genes are dominant.
III) Zeraora and Luxray
- There's a 50-50 chance the offspring to either is male or female, with no gender bias from Zeraora.
Conclusion: The offspring is 68.75%M to 31.25%F; result is MALE. The offspring half likely has 2 fathers, the contrary being a heterosexual paternal bias.