Doing good ranges from an act of obedience to rules, neighborliness, to random acts of kindness. This meme I hope, would encourage us to freely do all of the above.
The first has to do with those who are forced to do good; either because their conscience are weighing heavily on them, or scolded to do so. The same, if they had a choice to do so wouldn't lift a finger to help unless they're well compensated for it.
Such person have hard, cold hearts. If they do good things, it is for a self-serving purpose of promotion than genuine feeling of love towards another.
The second do good because they were told to. Initially, they would shrug their shoulders and obeyed. They would eventually realize the value of it as they're rewarded with a smile and a thank you.
The third sees the value of doing good as it helps people be more kind towards one another. They love receiving gratitude and the smiles each act of kindness provoked. However, they may do it because they feel like it. Still, it's good to give back.
However the forth is a special one. They do not do it for fame, rewards, or to give back, but do them because it is the right thing to do.
At first they may find it an imposition, their conscience dogging them, but eventually they do it. They give in to their conscience more and more, and eventually doing good becomes a matter of course.
They love their fellow man.
They would even do it for their enemies, despite knowing the likely outcome, but do good for them nevertheless (Matthew 5:43-48).