Oh jeez... Where do I start... IMGFLIP_PRESIDENTS stream, November of 2020. I ran for President in that month, I started a little campaign. I get a comment on one of my campaign ads, stating, "you seem cool. can I be your vp?" That was from the legendary kjoshua0316. I also had an argument about mudslinging with another OG of this stream, IncognitoGuy. I debated with that guy a lot... lol... maybe too much... ANYWAY, I ran for president with kjoshua as my VP, and if I'm not wrong... I wasn't even featured in the ballot, and had to be thrown as "other", (i'm still triggered 'till this day >:( ) I obviously didn't win, and I went silent (in terms of campaigning) for 2 months. (In between said months, me and kjoshua planned to overthrow the current president at the time, Dr.Strangmeme, which failed and we turned ourselves in and he said it was fine.) After ALL this, we came back with a new campaign, but this time, the roles were switched. He was running for president, and I was his vice president. And instead of being a person that would be free, listen to the people, and agree with everyone.... We came back as COMMUNISTS (not irl tho) and we ran for president. We certainly got more backlash than when I ran for president. After failing yet another ANOTHER election, I seperated myself from kjoshua. (sorry :((() and then I tried to run as a Dictator by myself. (Which was blocked by Captain_Scar because I didn't have a VP... although I was running for dictator...) And afterwards, I said that I would come back to run in February. But then, disaster struck. One of the lead candidates from the elections, White_Nationalist, did not rack up enough votes to win president... And then an alt came and started being racist and a neo-na*i, many people doubted it was actually the same person that was previously running for president, including me. After all this, WN kept being a pain in the butt for the whole stream, they started a war or something, and I said to myself: "This is just a mess, there is no point in being here." So I unfollowed the stream, and went on with my normal life for the last 5 months... There's my autobiography, hopefully I gave a good read.