Suppressing negative information about politicians and other high powered people has gone on for decades. That's known as "catch & kill" in the media world. So too have media smear jobs based on little to no sustantiated evidence. Neither of those are new and both the left and right engage in such, which is why the media is untrusted by so many these days.
I saw what the NY Post had written about Biden and completely disagreed with attempts to squash that story by other outlets. I'm also well aware of what Fox, Newmax & OANN have stated, not only about him but also about his son (who is still under investigation), just as I am about left media states. Unlike most, however, I don't take any of it at face value without actual evidence that supports assertions, which is why I also tend to read the actual legal documents pertaining partisan claims.
With respect to the election, Dems pushed for ways and means in which to expand voting options due to the pandemic, which the GOP in some states fought against. Your assertion that voting laws were manipulated illegally is bogus. Those cases were litigated in court; all of which the Dems won.
Nor was there any stuffing of ballot boxes by unverified voters, etc, as you claim. All of those facts have already been challenged in court in over 60 post election lawsuits (many of which were heard by Republican judges, some Trump appointees themselves) and in all but one case, Trump and his allies lost. The only one they won related to reducing the deadline date for curing a ballot from 9 to 6 days.
I stayed up and watched the election results pour in the entire night till 8 AM the following morning and saw absolutely nothing untoward going on as per Trump's claims. I've also read every legal document that pertained to such. There's a huge difference between what was being alleged by Trump et al and what actually occurred. Which count are specifically referring to?