To Marcus: Thank you so so so much for making my life so much better. You are one of the only people who understand me and help me. I really wish I could’ve stayed longer and helped you with Star but my life is falling apart. Thank you for standing up for me and helping me as I go through life’s obstacles.
To Star: When i was first introduced to you by Marcus i thot u were a bratty and racist snob. I’ve punched myself a few times for thinking that. Now I know that you are one of the nicest people ever on earth and a amazing leader, keeping everyone together. I’ve taken inspiration after you, after failing Cyan_Official.
To Purple: *thinking hard for a good speech* u r good at r p XDD no really, you are also one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, having the positive attitude, and always looking on the bright side. I’m so happy that i got to meet you.
To Angel: d m m e XDDDD
To E: *shakes your hand* good job on finding a gf! I so happy for youuuu! Anyway, you’re a amazing friend and I hope that if I come back we both still into pokemon go XD
To everyone else that I didn’t mention in thegang: u da best :D sorry that I didn’t get to know you that much but you def are
I hope that I made each and everyone of your lives enjoyable in my present and...
I dont love you as a friend... but as a gang... (not as effective as it was in my brain but okey ig)