The government doesnt force ypu to go to college. Its the feds jobs to protect consumers from fraudsters who say they are a school, when it is really a pyramid scheme to sell more books. That sounds familiar, doeant it? I think there was a Unoveristy here in tje last four years that was used, and you remember what university that was?
It is the feds job to put to in an individual who will take care of those types of crimes. Let is look at the last administrations educational leader, Betsy Devoss.
Devoss is a huge opponent of public education. That is who you want to run your education for your country, someone who thinks EDUCATION IS NOT a right, bit a privelage. Great first step on finding the right person.
Then she proceeds to not prosecute fraudster schools, and dismiss fraudulent loans to such schools, leaving the SCAMMED STUDENT with a debt for an education that amounts to nothing.
She will be testifying soon concerning why those claims were not forgiven in a timely manner, or not released at all.