The Bible is the primary reason why I am a Christian who supports Zionism.
But before you made up your mind against it, you should definitely read it.
Now, Muhammad has said that the Bible has been corrupted by man over time so Allah chose Muhammand, the illiterate to write the Qu'ran. But, there is a problem with this premise.
1. If the Bible, which is God's word, has been corrupted then how can we be sure that the Qu'ran has been or will be preserved?
After all, it seemed that Allah has failed to do that with the Bible. If he did fail to do that then how can we trust him with the Qu'ran?
2. On the other hand, if the Bible has been preserved then there is another problem: the Qu'ran contradicts it.
- The Qu'ran says that Jesus is not God but the Bible clearly says that He is (John 1:1-3)
- The Qu'ran says that Jesus did not rise again from the dead when the Bible told of the opposite (John 20)
- The Qu'ran says that Muhammad is the savior of the world, and that one can gain entry into Allah's kingdom if one says the Shahada, and then follow the five tenets of Islam when the Bible says that Jesus alone saves and is the only way to the father (John 14:6)