Purple eyed one: “ya know- on the moon. If you’ll please look down it will be noticed your soul is currently in a wooden puppet. You may find it difficult to move at first.”
White haired one: “aw, Cali, you didnt call them an idiot this time! Progress!”
Calibrus: “dont tell them my name.. .”
White haired one: “I’m Kanmi, and this is Calibrus and Kaiyo! And we’re the PPA!”
Calibrus: “.Princess .Puppet .Protection .Agency, yeah yeah, listen my food is gonna get cold-“
Kaiyo: “you live on the sun, your food is NOT going to get cold.’
Calibrus: “there’s three of us, dummy. Get it. Because you’re a wooden puppet right now.”
Kanmi: “why do you always have to be so mean to our clients!”
[]Oc in use: Veige Okari- imgflip.com/i/59pmes[]
"..." [Veige began to slowly wake, her one green eye and one gray eye squinting at the light.] "Hgn..."