breaking news: a nEw gAmE coMpAnY BaNkRuPts AmAzOn aNd cUtS dOwN EvErY tReEn on EaRtH fOr PaPeR FoR cAsH cAuSe TheY MaDe 124734374673119384289468365845 To tHe 14tH PoWeR off A GaMe cAlLed "FuRrY bingo!!"
0 ups, 4y
Breaking news: nobody cares
0 ups, 4y
breaking news: a nEw gAmE coMpAnY BaNkRuPts AmAzOn aNd cUtS dOwN EvErY tReEn on EaRtH fOr PaPeR FoR cAsH cAuSe TheY MaDe 124734374673119384289468365845 To tHe 14tH PoWeR off A GaMe cAlLed "FuRrY bingo!!"