You aren't wrong. Every dollar the government spends is a potential pork barrel for someone. So every cut is going to upset someone. So, the fiscal conservatives (I assume they still exist) have a hard row to hoe. When budget cuts = job cuts. There are quite a few poor rural white people on government assistance of one kind or another who vote Republican, but might change their minds if they have to to take care of their families. Nobody sees the things that help them as pork barrel. Its hard to cut the budget in an environment like this.
Just as an example of the politics of policy changes, the XL pipeline wasn't even supposed to pump oil for American consumption, and was only going to provide ~50 jobs. But its exaggerated to 1000's of jobs and higher oil prices. So, yeah. Politics is dirty pool, especially when the voter base maybe doesn't spend as much time as they should educating themselves on what is actually happening. Too many times, on both sides, its about how something makes you feel, not about what you think.