He can bring back people from the dead, but if he dies, no one can bring him back unless they have the power of resurrection, which very few have the ability
Theres only one way he dies (immortal to any and everything else), and it works similar to the Shadow Link boss fight in Zelda 2: the Adventures of Link.
They call it endgame 1v1, but no natter what, both characters die since they cooy each others moves, but it's not against a shadow, its against a clone. One attack from the real J02_69-420 does damage to the clone and himself at the same time, same goes for the clone. The only way for J02_69-420 to deal damahe to ONLY the clone is to quickscope the clone with a bow, then quickly switch to melee within 0.02 seconds, since it takes the clone 0.021 to copy the same move. Note that the clone can use the same bow, but the battlefield both will certainly fight within the exact coordinates, and the real J02_69-420 has just 1 millisecond more for reaction time, which gives him only a SILVER of time to dodge the same bow attack, but both only get 1 shot. If the real J02_69-420 manages to catch the clones arrow, he can get a 2nd shot and cant have his move copied, but it will deal half the normal bow damage that a regular center mass/head shot does. If shot in the leg or arm, it disables that limb, the hand is the only way to catch an arrow, but is impaled through the hand, but the bleed stops extra quickly and the skin and nerves regenerate once the arrow is removed. So even tho the real J02_69-420 took damage, he lost less health, but can die 2 months after the fight, so the only way to stop this near certain death is by the rarest minerals, found deep beneath the bedrock layers, so if it can be extracted within 2 months, it can be dissolved into water and once J02_69-420 drinks the solution, he wont die from it. Alternatively, he can have it