Sure if you like traitors. Kerry is one of the biggest scumbags to have served in our government.
Kerry has insured the World Economic Forum that Biden is 100% on board with the Great Reset. That is a plan that the WEF is trying to sell to all the nations of the world to cause a global economic collapse to end capitalism and force socialism on all of us. Where as they say, "You will own nothing and you will be happy" and "you will rent everything". No, this is not a conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy fact that you can actually look up yourself. Of course you won't find that video on their website any more. They took it down when they realized it caused a controversy. But if you try you may be able to find it on YouTube. YouTube takes it down as soon as it is posted because it violates their communist standards. It's on Rumble and Rumble doesn't try to hide if from you or take it down.
Kerry literally hates America and everything it stands for. He hates that us "little people" have so much freedom. He's one America's biggest disgraces.