Whether we like it or not, we cannot freely post whatever we wish in a manner of our choosing without someone mistaking it as an attack, born out of hatred. This is most certainly true with the LGBTQ+ community
You must understand is that many of these people have been wounded and hurt by the people around them. Parent who are intolerant of them, their fellow classmates teasing them, and the bullies mistreating them. Some in their communities have even been murdered, because of it. Naturally then we must expect them to behave rashly as they see certain images that triggers them.
We have the Westboro Baptist to thank for that, as well as other like-groups for it.
You have heard of Open-Air Preaching (See Ray Comfort, the "Way of the Master" method). That is an excellent, Biblical method of evangelism. However there are also those who are engaged in what's called "Confrontational Evangelism"
The difference between Open-Air Preaching as done by Ray Comfort, and those engaging in Confrontational Evangelism is that while both preach against sin and urge faith in Christ, the former lovingly PLEADS... with listeners to believe, while the latter angerly name calls and mocks people.
So when they think of Christians, they could only think of the Westboro Baptists of the world, rather than how we ought to look like.
To be sure, I am not asking you to dilute the seriousness of their sins, let alone, refrain from sharing the Gospel to them, However, what I'm asking you all to do, is to do so with
Also remembering how were once like the Children of Disobedience (Ephesians 2:2-3).
I understand that we do not all have the same personalities; and the qualities I've listed did not come naturally to me either. But understanding them, and how we ought to deliver truth is, is extremely important.
I will do my best to have them understand us. In the meanwhile, please... keep those scriptures in mind. All communication with people must be done with ... grace and truth ... while being "...quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to wrath" (James 1:19).