of course we are allowed to disagree.
and i am putting far less energy into this that you may think.
here,look at your words:
OWS was not a "peaceful protest" and it only ended when it got out of hand, girls were raped, the sidewalks got so full of shit and urine that the city almost put up "Curb Your Socialist" signs, and finally, it took an early cold snap and snow to drive them out."
this is almost a verbatim narrative put forth by whom?
the MEDIA.
a cherry picked narrative meant to smear a movement that was challenging power.(which was happening in 48 states,not just zucotti park).
you even admit that the media is determining what is peaceful and what is not.
and i agree.
i could use russiagate as a prime example,or the jan 6th "capital riots" to further make YOUR point how the media manipulates.
so which one is it?
does the media lie to serve monied interests?
or do you only challenge media narratives when it contradicts your political positions?
russiagate and the capital riot "insurrectionists" are politically fueled narratives put forth by a complicit corporate media to smear entire groups of people and further political agendas,but those are lies because they do not align with my politics?
i am trying to understand your formula here.
rachel maddow is a shill and a grifter for pushing russiagate,but tucker carlson is a beacon of journalistic integrity?
aren't BOTH being paid obscene amounts of cash to lie to us all on the daily?
shouldn't both be treated with the proper level of disdain and disgust?
or is it just basic human bias?
how easy is it to sway us humans with flowery rhetoric and perfumed words that appeal to our base natures,our prejudices.
my post has never been about occupy,but about how power reacts to anything that dares challenge the status quo.
it is about the pathology of power,and the dwindling freedoms we hold.
i do find it kind of ironic,and sad,that over 100 years ago our grand parents,with no TV,no internet,no cell phones and texting,understood the politics of power far better than we do.
too busy bickering like toddlers.
i am probably reading too much into this,but i just don't get it sometimes.
a simple warning about how power reacts should not have turned into a weird discussion about occupy being peaceful or not peaceful.
both the tea party being co-opted and occupy being crushed should have been our warning.
but we were too busy texting,and voting for american idol.
we are,to put it simply,